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Cardiff High School

Tua'r Goleuni – Towards the Light

Health and Safety Committee

Health and Safety Committee


The committee is an important part of the health and safety process within the school and ensures a two way flow of information between an organisation and its employees. The committee meets at least once a term and discusses various topics such as:

  • statistics on accident records:

  • accident investigations and subsequent action;

  • risk assessments;

  • health and safety training;

  • departmental/ workplace issues

  • emergency procedures; and

  • changes in the workplace affecting the health, safety and welfare of employees.

The committee is made up of the following:

C . Newton - School Health and Safety Co-Ordinator / K. Stephen - Health and Safety Governor / D. Macho - Business Manager / N. O'Neil- Lead First Aider / S. Isaac - Head of Science / J. Martlew - Head of Technology / A. Habberfield - Head of PE / N. Lewis - Staff Representative.

If you have any concerns and  wish to raise any items with the committee then please let any of the above persons know. If you feel the issue needs to be addressed immediately please contact the Health and Safety Co-Ordinator on Ext 207