Y 9 Parental Engagement and Feedback - Nov 2019
Y 9 Parental Engagement and Feedback - Nov 2019
Many thanks to all those who attended Year 9 Parents’ Evening and for the questionnaire completion. Your attendance and comments were much appreciated, some examples of which can be seen below:
“We are so grateful for the effort and commitment you put in as you help shape our children’s future.”
All responses agreed or strongly agreed that the school was welcoming and 96% felt that their attendance and views were valued.
Likewise, the ‘Meet the Form Tutor Day” for year 7 was very well attended. Many thanks to those of you who took the time to come in and over 130 completed questionnaires were handed in. 99% of these agreed or strongly agreed that the appointment was useful and that their child had settled well in school. The comments were overwhelming positive and included:
“Every day has been excellent.”
“Children’s’ wellbeing is clearly top priority.”
“We have been very impressed with the welcoming attitude of all staff.”
“Cardiff High School has welcomed my child with open arms.”
“Summer school is a great idea and clearly helped my child.”